Education & Training

Education & Training at New Human Management

We make people and organizations aware of recurring patterns. We assist in the sustainable deployment of changes that affect the entire organization, a department, team or individual. We use a unique proven approach at the intersection of business administration and depth psychology.
We also make the unconscious (the so-called "90% of the iceberg that is under water") insightful and discussable. Pragmatic, accessible, proven, substantiated, safe and practical. We do this through interventions in the field of distinctive assessments, coaching, training, education and organizational development.

CADT® and RAPP® personality profile training.

You work as a coach, analytic therapist (in training), HR advisor, organizational consultant, trainer, recruiter, therapist or psychologist. You want to learn to work with unique instruments, concepts and tools with which you can make a special contribution to the sustainable development of people and organizations.

CADT® Personality Profile Training for HR Professionals.

Are you working as an HR professional and would like to work with CADT®? Get the best out of people, let them grow and develop. Attracting and retaining the right people is a challenge in this market and time. It is more important than ever to quickly gain insight into the talents, qualities, drivers and possibilities of employees.

Leadership Program for Notaries

We see many inspired leaders who want to work with great notational passion and an eye for people. At the same time, there is a great workload and a need to achieve results quickly and as effectively as possible. The question is how to combine this business notarial focus with attention to people's well-being. A challenge that offers opportunities.