NHM Introduces: The SME Business Booster!

NHM Introduces: The SME Business Booster!

New Human Management introduces: the SME Business Booster! But what exactly does this booster entail, who is it suitable for and why is this booster suitable for you? We tell you all about it.New Human Management offers a wide range of services on both...

Work-rest balance during the holidays

Work-rest balance during the holidays

The holidays bring not only coziness, but often increased pressure at work and associated stress. Keeping a balance between work obligations and personal rest is essential to prevent the holiday season from becoming a stressful month,...

Successful merger or acquisition?

Successful merger or acquisition?

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) have a reputation for being complex affairs, and according to a recent Harvard Business Review report, as many as between 70 and 90 percent of these deals fail. One of the main causes? Limited attention to the various...

Understanding recurring patterns

Understanding recurring patterns

Organizations are in a constant state of evolution and adaptation. To effectively manage these adaptations, it is crucial to understand the recurring patterns that occur within the organization. At New Human Management, we believe that...